A delightful and revealing story is told about St. John Paul II during his first months as a priest. Shortly after his ordination, the then Fr. Wojtyła began his first assignment as an associate pastor at a small, country parish. Not long into his stay, the parishioners began talking about what they should do for their pastor’s upcoming ordination anniversary. It was a big one—his 50th. They discussed painting the fence at the rectory and some other odd jobs around the church. After listening to everyone’s comments, Fr. Wojtyła spoke up and said that they should build a new church for their pastor. The parishioners were shocked, as you can well imagine! But even more shocking was that they ultimately agreed with their new, young priest. What initially must have seemed irrational and easy to dismiss was eventually discerned to be something that could and should be done. Evident even at that early point in his ordained life was St. John Paul II’s ability to help people see and achieve the great potential which lay deep within them.
Friends, as Catholics we understand that the Patron Saint assigned to us at our Baptism has special care for us throughout our life. Likewise, the Patron Saint of one’s Parish is also given a special mission to attend to those living and worshipping together under his or her watchful eye. Is it any surprise, then, that St. John Paul II is helping us see and achieve what none of us could have conceived but a few years ago? From forming a new parish, to the practical and character-building challenges both pre- and post-COVID, and now… well, everyone clearly desires a timeless, beautiful campus, and our Patron must be saying something like: God knows your heart. I see your potential, as well as the fears and uncertainties that could obstruct your way. Be not afraid!
None of us are here by chance. God has called us to this mission, and St. John Paul II sees the great achievements on the other side of our fears and uncertainties, and he urges us on. We have a new and abundant tract of land on which to build. We have classically trained architects drawing up plans referencing St. Peter’s in Rome—the longtime home of St. JPII—which I invite you to peruse here.
The only remaining thing is you, and the greatness to which we have all been called. Welcome to our
Give success to the work of our hands, Lord. Give success to the work of our hands.
Bless you,
The Feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist, A.D. 2023
The Seventeenth Anniversary of my Priesthood