Deacon Curtis Keddy was born in Canada, raised in Hong Kong by his Protestant missionary parents, and received his higher education in the United States. After graduating with a BA in Biblical Studies in 2002 from Biola University in California, he worked as a Director of Music at an Evangelical church in Hong Kong where, while preparing a class on the liturgy, he was unexpectedly led to the Catholic Church.
Returning to California, he became Catholic in 2007, eventually joining the full-time staff at his parish as the Director of Parish Faith Formation. In 2017 he received his MA in Biblical Theology from John Paul the Great Catholic University and relocated with his family to Kansas in order to help in the building of St. John Paul II, where he served as Director of Liturgy and Formation from 2017-2021. While continuing to volunteer at JPII in various ministries as a parishioner, he spent a couple of years partnering with the Holy Family School of Faith (and later Donnelly College), travelling extensively to various Catholic schools and parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, helping teachers and leaders grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and His Church. He now works in the Archdiocesan Office of the Permanent Diaconate overseeing formation for those men preparing for diaconal ordination.
Dcn. Keddy lives in Gardner with his wife Amy and their five children and is excited to continue his ministry to JPII in a deeper way as a permanent deacon. He will be coordinating our ministry for those desiring to become Catholic (OCIA), working with engaged and married couples, and helping out in any other areas where he may be needed.